I don't have a macro lens... Mmm, not exactly true because I do have a budget Nikon 28-200mm f/3.5-5.6G ED lens, which is a micro lens, thanks to my mother in-law. Here is a little trick a friend taught me. Thank you very much Bronson! It is done by coupling a 85mm f/1.4 with a 50mm f/1.4 together back to front.
A word of caution: The 85mm has a much larger (77mm) filter thread compared with the 50mm, which is 52mm. So, don't just put them together because that will almost guarantee to scratch your quality optics. I got a cheap (52mm to 77mm) step-up ring which make them "click" together like a perfect match made in heaven. Thank God the ring only cost about $2, not bad at all for this interesting experiment.
I was amazed of the speed this was taken. Considering it was done indoors with no special light, just dim energy efficient ceiling fluors.. no natural light (because it was almost 2am in the morning as you can see..). At ISO 3200, the shutter speed was 1/125sec at f/1.4 (on both lens). Focusing distance was no more than 2cm. Handheld and half manual focus because the 50mm is not even attached... FYI, the word CASIO is almost exactly 4mm long. No crop, sharpening or any kind of enhancements.
Hope you like it. Here is another - the back of a phone card. As you can see, the vignetting is very pronounced, but that worked like a treat with the watch which is black!
Enjoy! :D
Update 2010/09/26
I enjoyed this experiment so much that I had to try it again today... Same subject but this time with more thought about light. This is taken at iso 200, 1/100s, f/1.4 (f/2.8). Click on the pic for hi-res version.
I should have cleaned the watch first.. :P
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