Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thank you NAB

Received a gift voucher from NAB as recognition for my photography work. A Michaels camera store gift voucher of a generous value. Thank God for it because it is my first financial recognition of my work. Thank God that I was able to bless a senior friend, Don, and he purchased a camera for his dear wife with it. Mum Beth, hope you take loads of amazing pics with it.

OK, what about these pics? I was the event photographer for a big technology event - All Teams Event 2008 - for NAB and Docklands.

Many hundreds of people were there and I was excited to be able to roam about without restriction being the official photographer. The even more exciting thing is that it was held at Peninsula, Shed 14 at Central Pier, Docklands. It is big and had been used for fashion parade/s and many other big events.

Unfortunately, it was set up to be much darker than in their website. You would understand what I mean if you compare the photo above and this. It was a challenging venue. Of course that was no-body's bad. Lighting was appropriate for the occasion.

Given that it was not a public event, all pictures taken are the property of NAB, I could only show you these two photos. Hope you like them.

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