Sorry if you follow this blog because you must have become incrediably bored waiting for updates. The last post was on the 3rd about a photo shoot last month. So, what am I up to? What have I been doing in the whole month? Did I go on holiday? Was I ill? Was I inundated with work? Well, there were several things, and to sum them up, busyness with work and my dad has been in hospital basically since the Australia Day (26th Jan).
Many of you would know, on the 7th February, Victoria has experienced its worst bush fire in history in what is known as the "Black Saturday". Over 200 people lost their lives and I indirectly know at least two of them. I would have loved to take pictures of the amazingly beautiful (colourful) sky when it was covered with smoke or haze. But then, personally, I didn't feel right to enjoy the sky in such tragic time so I didn't take any picture... No offense to those who did.
Anyway, had a couple of photo assignments on Thursday. Firstly for NAB, then again for the Manningham city council for the Healthy Lifestyle Week Launch and the Retirement Expo Launch. Yeah, all on the same day. So I picked up my camera again after an unusually long break (thank God the batteries kept their charge well)... Yesteday (Friday), I took a few more pics just nearby. Here they are..
If a photographer's work reflects his mood or what is in his heart/head... What message do these pics convey to you? Saddness? Depression? A sense of lost? It is a fairly dark footpath, winding, and no hint where it leads to... Well, the end of the road is actually an amazing sunset, full of colours and vegetation (and houses - family - people), full of hope, power and life. It is rich and beautiful. Can you picture it? :)
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