Sunday, August 7, 2011

Waverley Meadows Pre-school

Had an amazing opportunity to photograph a pre-school, the Waverley Meadows Pre-school. What I discovered is a school filled with lots of fun and warmth. It is a very colourful place with lots of teaching materials and activities for the kids. It has a large, well equipped outdoor games area, car park. It is next to a park and is a very secure aka safe environment for the kids.

Thank you so much Wendy for this job and accompanying me during the session. Thank you for the permission to photograph you and your kids. This is Wendy with her lovely kids. Love this pic! :)

This is the chicken barn intended for the chickens I believe. However, it appeared that they prefer to congregate at this colourful playhouse above instead. Who can blame them?

I couldn't resist the temptation to get into the playhouse to snap a few close ups. I liked the experience and result, but am not sure if they share my feeling. ;)

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